Accreditation of Personnel Certification Bodies

The United State Accreditation Council offers an internationally recognized accreditation program for the certification of persons. Accreditation scheme for the CAB has been developed as per the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024 standard to establish an internationally accepted benchmark for organizations assessing and evaluating the competence of personnel.

Documents for Accreditation

if you are interested to apply for USAC Accreditation Personnel Certification Body in accordance with ISO 17024, please send an email at to request the following documents for Accreditation.

USACrepresents the interests of the stakeholders at international forums through membership and active participation with simultaneously ensuring measures to safeguard impartiality and objectivity of its accreditation process.

  1. Accreditation Application for Inspection Bodies: USAC-APL-CAB-PCB.
  2. General Criteria for Accreditation Requirements :USAC-GEN-CAB-01
  3. General Criteria for Conditions for the Use of USAC Accreditation Symbol :USAC-GEN-CAB-02
  4. Applicable Fees : USAC-CAB-PCB-FEES
  5. Documentation Checklist as per ISO/IEC 17024.

Please read Accreditation requirements for Personnel Certification Bodies and other guiding documents in the publication area.