USAC is a not-for-profit organization. It operates in accordance with relevant international standards and requirements and maintains integrity and impartiality while taking into account national and public interest. USAC has established an independent, impartial and transparent accreditation system. As a not-for-profit accreditation body, decisions made by USAC are not subject to any commercial or financial obligations.



It operates in accordance with relevant international standards and requirements and maintains integrity and impartiality while taking into account national and public interest. USAC has established as an independent, impartial and transparent accreditation system.


Independent, Impartial and Transparent Accreditation System.

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What is Accreditation?

Accreditation refers to third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks” Accreditation, with its many potential benefits...

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Accreditation Benefits

Accreditation helps CABs to deliver services with confidence. Accreditation demonstrates a CAB’s competence to succeed and accomplish activities defined by its specific program scope of accreditation. CABs are able to obtain

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